在更新一台老舊電腦時 上頭的作業系統是 Windows XP SP2
上微軟網站找到 Windows XP Service Pack 3 來做更新 按此下載
無法複製 ispcnerr.ht_ 然後要你重試或取消
因為不明原因 c:\windows\ 目錄下出現一個檔案 名叫 ServicePackFiles (無附檔名)
請確定有此檔案後將此檔案更名為 ServicePackFiles.old 然後回到軟體更新安裝精靈 按下重試(retry)即可順利完成安裝 sp3 !!
這是因為微軟的更新程式無法判別 ServicePackFiles 是檔案還是資料夾 !!!
Reolution in English
Resolution :- Steps to resolve this issue
1. First locate the file named servicepackfiles in windows directory which has no extension.
( You might need to unhide files as well as uncheck hide protected operating system files in order to locate the file "servicepackfiles" )
2. Rename the file called servicepackfiles to servicepackfiles.old
3. Create a new folder "servicepackfiles" without quotes in Windows Folder( root directory )
4. Create a folder in servicepackfiles and name it as "i386" without quotes
5. Click on retry on the error message screen or can restart the windows XP service pack 3 setup.
6. Installation will complete with no error messages